201-005 fuel tank, fuel filter, activated charcoal container
201-006 fuel tank with, attachments, for models with natural gas, drive, fuel line with, breather pipe
2.0 ltr.
petrol eng.+, natural gas, operation
201-007 gas supply system, gas bottle, retainer for gas bottle, tensioning strap, gas line, underbody trim
201-008 gas supply system, solenoid valve, individual parts
201-025 fuel line, fuel cooling
unit inject., 1.9ltr., , 2.0 ltr.
diesel eng.+, BJB,BKC,BSU,, BLS;, BDJ,BST,BMM
201-040 fuel line
petr. engine
253-005 exhaust manifolds
petrol eng.+, BUD
253-010 exhaust manifolds
1.4ltr., , 2.0 ltr.
petrol eng.+, BCA, diesel eng.+, BDJ,BST
253-012 exhaust manifolds
, 1.6ltr., 2.0 ltr.
petrol eng.+, BGU,BSE,BSF, BSX
253-040 exhaust manifold with turbo-, charger
diesel eng.+, BMM
253-050 exhaust pipe with pre-catalyst, catalytic converter
petrol eng.+, BCA,BUD
253-055 exhaust pipe with catalyst
petrol eng.+, BGU,BSE,BSF
253-057 exhaust pipe with catalyst
petrol eng.+, BSX
253-065 exhaust pipe with catalyst, , retrofit kit for, diesel particulate filter, see illustration:
diesel eng.+, BJB
253-066 exhaust pipe with catalyst, and particulate filter, control line for pressure, difference sensor, retrofit kit for, diesel particulate filter, see illustration:
diesel eng.+, BLS,BSU,BMM
253-067 exhaust pipe with catalyst, , retrofit kit for, diesel particulate filter, see illustration:
diesel eng.+, BLS,BSU
253-070 exhaust pipe with catalyst
diesel eng.+, BDJ,BST
253-075 front silencer, rear silencer
253-076 front silencer, rear silencer, F >> 2K-7-150 000*
253-077 front silencer, rear silencer, F 2K-8-000 001>>*
petrol eng.+, BSE,BSF
253-078 front silencer, rear silencer
253-079 front silencer, rear silencer
diesel eng.+, BJB,BSU
253-080 front silencer, rear silencer, D >> - 31.05.2007*
diesel eng.+, BLS
253-081 front silencer, rear silencer, D - 01.05.2007>>*
253-085 front silencer, rear silencer
253-086 front silencer, rear silencer
260-010 a/c compressor, connecting and mounting parts, for compressor
260-020 a/c compressor, connecting and mounting parts, for compressor
diesel eng.
260-041 refrigerant circuit, a/c condenser