Instrument cluster

ETK / Mini / F56 / Cooper S(XP71) / 62 / 62_0586
Name Ext. inf. A* Part number
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9367996
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388463
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9129945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822940
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830788
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843993
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseWith S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.With S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanWith S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142No S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9368001
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9388468
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 9132310
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6822945
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6830793
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 Kilometre speedoWith S548A 
 MINI Head-Up DisplayNo S6ADA 
 Language version JapaneseNo S852A 
 Language version, Chinese simpl.No S866A 
 Language version KoreanNo S867A 
 Country control Hong Kong 04142With S8LHA 
01 Instrument clusterKMH KMH 1 62 10 6843998
02 Covering cap 2 62 10 9327018
03 Screw, self tappingST4,2X16 ST4,2X16 2 07 11 9907274
* In the column 'A' indicates the number that is used in the selected vehicle.
To find out where to buy the item or equivalent, click on the part number.