Components, antenna amplifier

ETK / Mini / F54 / One D(LR71) / 65 / 65_2610
Name Ext. inf. A* Part number
 For vehicles with  
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 DAB tunerWith S654A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
01 Antenna amplifier DAB - III 1 65 20 9270034
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM1/AM FM1/AM 1 65 20 9338153
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 TV functionNo S601A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 DAB tunerNo S654A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM2 JAPAN FM2 JAPAN 1 65 20 9393702
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 TV functionNo S601A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 DAB tunerNo S654A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM2 JAPAN FM2 JAPAN 1 65 20 9393702
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanNo L807A 
 TV functionNo S601A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 DAB tunerNo S654A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM2 JAPAN FM2 JAPAN 1 65 20 9393702
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 TV functionNo S601A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 DAB tunerNo S654A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM2 FM2 1 65 20 9393701
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 TV functionNo S601A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 DAB tunerNo S654A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM2 FM2 1 65 20 9393701
 For vehicles with  
 National version JapanWith L807A 
 TV functionNo S601A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 DAB tunerNo S654A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
01 Aerial amplifier AM/FMFM2 FM2 1 65 20 9393701
02 Trap circuit 1 65 20 9185474
03 Blind rivet nut, flat headedM5 M5 1 65 20 7320126
04 Set, feltSET SET 1 51 45 2353024
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaWith L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredWith P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalWith S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostWith S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothWith S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USAWith S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemNo S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
 For vehicles with  
 National version ChinaNo L8AAA 
 WiredNo P7L5A 
 Navigation system ProfessionalNo S609A 
 Radio MINI Visual BoostNo S6FPA 
 Extend. mob. phone preparation BluetoothNo S6NEA 
 Telephony USANo S6NPA 
 MINI navigation systemWith S6UMA 
05 Suppression filter 1 65 20 9338151
* In the column 'A' indicates the number that is used in the selected vehicle.
To find out where to buy the item or equivalent, click on the part number.