Operating instructions,Infotainment HU-H

ETK / BMW / F48 / X1 20iX(HS99) / 01 / 01_1348
Name Ext. inf. A* Part number A Part number, Price per Unit.,
01 Operating instructions, InfotainmentDE DE 1 01 40 2964332 - 01 40 2964332 -
01 Operating instructions, InfotainmentDE DE 1 01 40 2966484 - 01 40 2966484 -
01 Operating instructions, InfotainmentDE DE 1 01 40 2970549 - 01 40 2970549 -
01 Operating instructions, InfotainmentDE DE 1 01 40 2974772 - 01 40 2974772 -
01 Operating instructions, InfotainmentDE DE 1 01 40 2976348 - 01 40 2976348 -
02 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEN EN 1 01 40 2964333 - 01 40 2964333 -
02 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEN EN 1 01 40 2966485 - 01 40 2966485 -
02 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEN EN 1 01 40 2970550 - 01 40 2970550 -
02 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEN EN 1 01 40 2974773 - 01 40 2974773 -
02 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEN EN 1 01 40 2976349 - 01 40 2976349 -
03 Operating instructions, InfotainmentFR FR 1 01 40 2964334 - 01 40 2964334 -
03 Operating instructions, InfotainmentFR FR 1 01 40 2966486 - 01 40 2966486 -
03 Operating instructions, InfotainmentFR FR 1 01 40 2970551 - 01 40 2970551 -
03 Operating instructions, InfotainmentFR FR 1 01 40 2974774 - 01 40 2974774 -
03 Operating instructions, InfotainmentFR FR 1 01 40 2976350 - 01 40 2976350 -
04 Operating instructions, InfotainmentES ES 1 01 40 2964335 - 01 40 2964335 -
04 Operating instructions, InfotainmentES ES 1 01 40 2966487 - 01 40 2966487 -
04 Operating instructions, InfotainmentES ES 1 01 40 2970552 - 01 40 2970552 -
04 Operating instructions, InfotainmentES ES 1 01 40 2974775 - 01 40 2974775 -
04 Operating instructions, InfotainmentES ES 1 01 40 2976351 - 01 40 2976351 -
05 Operating instructions, InfotainmentIT IT 1 01 40 2964336 - 01 40 2964336 -
05 Operating instructions, InfotainmentIT IT 1 01 40 2966488 - 01 40 2966488 -
05 Operating instructions, InfotainmentIT IT 1 01 40 2970553 - 01 40 2970553 -
05 Operating instructions, InfotainmentIT IT 1 01 40 2974776 - 01 40 2974776 -
05 Operating instructions, InfotainmentIT IT 1 01 40 2976352 - 01 40 2976352 -
06 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSV SV 1 01 40 2964337 - 01 40 2964337 -
06 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSV SV 1 01 40 2966489 - 01 40 2966489 -
06 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSV SV 1 01 40 2970554 - 01 40 2970554 -
06 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSV SV 1 01 40 2974777 - 01 40 2974777 -
06 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSV SV 1 01 40 2976353 - 01 40 2976353 -
07 Operating instructions, InfotainmentNL NL 1 01 40 2964338 - 01 40 2964338 -
07 Operating instructions, InfotainmentNL NL 1 01 40 2966490 - 01 40 2966490 -
07 Operating instructions, InfotainmentNL NL 1 01 40 2970555 - 01 40 2970555 -
07 Operating instructions, InfotainmentNL NL 1 01 40 2974778 - 01 40 2974778 -
07 Operating instructions, InfotainmentNL NL 1 01 40 2976354 - 01 40 2976354 -
08 Operating instructions, InfotainmentAR AR 1 01 40 2964339 - 01 40 2964339 -
08 Operating instructions, InfotainmentAR AR 1 01 40 2966491 - 01 40 2966491 -
08 Operating instructions, InfotainmentAR AR 1 01 40 2970556 - 01 40 2970556 -
08 Operating instructions, InfotainmentAR AR 1 01 40 2974779 - 01 40 2974779 -
08 Operating instructions, InfotainmentAR AR 1 01 40 2976355 - 01 40 2976355 -
09 Operating instructions, InfotainmentDA DA 1 01 40 2964340 - 01 40 2964340 -
09 Operating instructions, InfotainmentDA DA 1 01 40 2966492 - 01 40 2966492 -
09 Operating instructions, InfotainmentDA DA 1 01 40 2970557 - 01 40 2970557 -
09 Operating instructions, InfotainmentDA DA 1 01 40 2974780 - 01 40 2974780 -
09 Operating instructions, InfotainmentDA DA 1 01 40 2976356 - 01 40 2976356 -
10 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPT PT 1 01 40 2964341 - 01 40 2964341 -
10 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPT PT 1 01 40 2966493 - 01 40 2966493 -
10 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPT PT 1 01 40 2970558 - 01 40 2970558 -
10 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPT PT 1 01 40 2974781 - 01 40 2974781 -
10 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPT PT 1 01 40 2976357 - 01 40 2976357 -
13 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEL EL 1 01 40 2964343 - 01 40 2964343 -
13 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEL EL 1 01 40 2966495 - 01 40 2966495 -
13 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEL EL 1 01 40 2970560 - 01 40 2970560 -
13 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEL EL 1 01 40 2974783 - 01 40 2974783 -
13 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEL EL 1 01 40 2976359 - 01 40 2976359 -
14 Operating instructions, InfotainmentZH ZH 1 01 40 2964342 - 01 40 2964342 -
14 Operating instructions, InfotainmentZH ZH 1 01 40 2966494 - 01 40 2966494 -
14 Operating instructions, InfotainmentZH ZH 1 01 40 2970559 - 01 40 2970559 -
14 Operating instructions, InfotainmentZH ZH 1 01 40 2974782 - 01 40 2974782 -
14 Operating instructions, InfotainmentZH ZH 1 01 40 2976358 - 01 40 2976358 -
15 Operating instructions, InfotainmentKO KO 1 01 40 2964344 - 01 40 2964344 -
15 Operating instructions, InfotainmentKO KO 1 01 40 2966496 - 01 40 2966496 -
15 Operating instructions, InfotainmentKO KO 1 01 40 2970561 - 01 40 2970561 -
15 Operating instructions, InfotainmentKO KO 1 01 40 2974784 - 01 40 2974784 -
15 Operating instructions, InfotainmentKO KO 1 01 40 2976360 - 01 40 2976360 -
16 Operating instructions, InfotainmentRO RO 1 01 40 2964346 - 01 40 2964346 -
16 Operating instructions, InfotainmentRO RO 1 01 40 2966498 - 01 40 2966498 -
16 Operating instructions, InfotainmentRO RO 1 01 40 2970563 - 01 40 2970563 -
16 Operating instructions, InfotainmentRO RO 1 01 40 2974786 - 01 40 2974786 -
16 Operating instructions, InfotainmentRO RO 1 01 40 2976362 - 01 40 2976362 -
17 Operating instructions, InfotainmentRU RU 1 01 40 2964345 - 01 40 2964345 -
17 Operating instructions, InfotainmentRU RU 1 01 40 2966497 - 01 40 2966497 -
17 Operating instructions, InfotainmentRU RU 1 01 40 2970562 - 01 40 2970562 -
17 Operating instructions, InfotainmentRU RU 1 01 40 2974785 - 01 40 2974785 -
17 Operating instructions, InfotainmentRU RU 1 01 40 2976361 - 01 40 2976361 -
18 Operating instructions, InfotainmentJA JA 1 01 40 2964347 - 01 40 2964347 -
18 Operating instructions, InfotainmentJA JA 1 01 40 2966499 - 01 40 2966499 -
18 Operating instructions, InfotainmentJA JA 1 01 40 2970564 - 01 40 2970564 -
18 Operating instructions, InfotainmentJA JA 1 01 40 2974787 - 01 40 2974787 -
18 Operating instructions, InfotainmentJA JA 1 01 40 2976363 - 01 40 2976363 -
19 Operating instructions, InfotainmentZHTW ZHTW 1 01 40 2964348 - 01 40 2964348 -
19 Operating instructions, InfotainmentZHTW ZHTW 1 01 40 2966500 - 01 40 2966500 -
19 Operating instructions, InfotainmentZHTW ZHTW 1 01 40 2970565 - 01 40 2970565 -
19 Operating instructions, InfotainmentZHTW ZHTW 1 01 40 2974788 - 01 40 2974788 -
19 Operating instructions, InfotainmentZHTW ZHTW 1 01 40 2976364 - 01 40 2976364 -
20 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSK SK 1 01 40 2964349 - 01 40 2964349 -
20 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSK SK 1 01 40 2966501 - 01 40 2966501 -
20 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSK SK 1 01 40 2970566 - 01 40 2970566 -
20 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSK SK 1 01 40 2974789 - 01 40 2974789 -
20 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSK SK 1 01 40 2976365 - 01 40 2976365 -
21 Operating instructions, InfotainmentCS CS 1 01 40 2964350 - 01 40 2964350 -
21 Operating instructions, InfotainmentCS CS 1 01 40 2966502 - 01 40 2966502 -
21 Operating instructions, InfotainmentCS CS 1 01 40 2970567 - 01 40 2970567 -
21 Operating instructions, InfotainmentCS CS 1 01 40 2974790 - 01 40 2974790 -
21 Operating instructions, InfotainmentCS CS 1 01 40 2976366 - 01 40 2976366 -
22 Operating instructions, InfotainmentTR TR 1 01 40 2964351 - 01 40 2964351 -
22 Operating instructions, InfotainmentTR TR 1 01 40 2966503 - 01 40 2966503 -
22 Operating instructions, InfotainmentTR TR 1 01 40 2970568 - 01 40 2970568 -
22 Operating instructions, InfotainmentTR TR 1 01 40 2974791 - 01 40 2974791 -
22 Operating instructions, InfotainmentTR TR 1 01 40 2976367 - 01 40 2976367 -
23 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPL PL 1 01 40 2964352 - 01 40 2964352 -
23 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPL PL 1 01 40 2966504 - 01 40 2966504 -
23 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPL PL 1 01 40 2970569 - 01 40 2970569 -
23 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPL PL 1 01 40 2974792 - 01 40 2974792 -
23 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPL PL 1 01 40 2976368 - 01 40 2976368 -
24 Operating instructions, InfotainmentHU HU 1 01 40 2964353 - 01 40 2964353 -
24 Operating instructions, InfotainmentHU HU 1 01 40 2966505 - 01 40 2966505 -
24 Operating instructions, InfotainmentHU HU 1 01 40 2970570 - 01 40 2970570 -
24 Operating instructions, InfotainmentHU HU 1 01 40 2974793 - 01 40 2974793 -
24 Operating instructions, InfotainmentHU HU 1 01 40 2976369 - 01 40 2976369 -
25 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSL SL 1 01 40 2964354 - 01 40 2964354 -
25 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSL SL 1 01 40 2966506 - 01 40 2966506 -
25 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSL SL 1 01 40 2970571 - 01 40 2970571 -
25 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSL SL 1 01 40 2974794 - 01 40 2974794 -
25 Operating instructions, InfotainmentSL SL 1 01 40 2976370 - 01 40 2976370 -
26 Operating instructions, InfotainmentFI FI 1 01 40 2964355 - 01 40 2964355 -
26 Operating instructions, InfotainmentFI FI 1 01 40 2966507 - 01 40 2966507 -
26 Operating instructions, InfotainmentFI FI 1 01 40 2970572 - 01 40 2970572 -
26 Operating instructions, InfotainmentFI FI 1 01 40 2974795 - 01 40 2974795 -
26 Operating instructions, InfotainmentFI FI 1 01 40 2976371 - 01 40 2976371 -
27 Operating instructions, InfotainmentNO NO 1 01 40 2964356 - 01 40 2964356 -
27 Operating instructions, InfotainmentNO NO 1 01 40 2966508 - 01 40 2966508 -
27 Operating instructions, InfotainmentNO NO 1 01 40 2970573 - 01 40 2970573 -
27 Operating instructions, InfotainmentNO NO 1 01 40 2974796 - 01 40 2974796 -
27 Operating instructions, InfotainmentNO NO 1 01 40 2976372 - 01 40 2976372 -
28 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPTBR PTBR 1 01 40 2970574 - 01 40 2970574 -
28 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPTBR PTBR 1 01 40 2974797 - 01 40 2974797 -
28 Operating instructions, InfotainmentPTBR PTBR 1 01 40 2976373 - 01 40 2976373 -
29 Operating instructions, InfotainmentID ID 1 01 40 2970575 - 01 40 2970575 -
29 Operating instructions, InfotainmentID ID 1 01 40 2974798 - 01 40 2974798 -
29 Operating instructions, InfotainmentID ID 1 01 40 2976374 - 01 40 2976374 -
30 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEN EN 1 01 40 2970550 - 01 40 2970550 -
30 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEN EN 1 01 40 2974773 - 01 40 2974773 -
30 Operating instructions, InfotainmentEN EN 1 01 40 2976349 - 01 40 2976349 -
* In the column 'A' indicates the number that is used in the selected vehicle.
To find out where to buy the item or equivalent, click on the part number.