Ornamental strips

ETK / Mini / R58 / Coop.S JCW(SX52) / 51 / 51_8466
Name Ext. inf. A* Part number
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, redWith S3A8A 
01 Set, trim strip, engine compartment lidJCW RED JCW RED 1 51 14 2759643
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
01 Set, trim strip, engine compartment lidSILVER SILVER 1 51 14 2759642
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
01 Set, trim strip, engine compartment lidBLACK BLACK 1 51 14 2759641
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, redWith S3A8A 
02 Set, trim strip, engine comp.lid, bottomJCW RED JCW RED 1 51 14 2759647
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
02 Set, trim strip, engine comp.lid, bottomSILVER SILVER 1 51 14 2759646
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
02 Set, trim strip, engine comp.lid, bottomBLACK BLACK 1 51 14 2759645
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, redWith S3A8A 
04 Set, trim strip, roofCHILI RED CHILI RED 1 51 14 2759652
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
04 Set, trim strip, roofPURE SILVER PURE SILVER 1 51 14 2759653
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 british-racing-green metallicWith WB22 
04 Set, trim strip, roofBRITISH RACING BRITISH RACING 1 51 14 2759310
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 british-racing-green metallicWith WB22 
04 Set, trim strip, roofBRITISH RACING BRITISH RACING 1 51 14 2759310
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 eclipse-grey metallicWith WB24 
04 Set, trim strip, roofECLIPSE GREY ECLIPSE GREY 1 51 14 2759311
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 eclipse-grey metallicWith WB24 
04 Set, trim strip, roofECLIPSE GREY ECLIPSE GREY 1 51 14 2759311
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 midnight-black metallicWith WA94 
04 Set, trim strip, roofMIDNIGHT BLACK MIDNIGHT BLACK 1 51 14 2759309
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 midnight-black metallicWith WA94 
04 Set, trim strip, roofMIDNIGHT BLACK MIDNIGHT BLACK 1 51 14 2759309
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 pepper-whiteWith U850 
04 Set, trim strip, roofPEPPER WHITE PEPPER WHITE 1 51 14 2759307
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 pepper-whiteWith U850 
04 Set, trim strip, roofPEPPER WHITE PEPPER WHITE 1 51 14 2759307
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 lightning-blue metallicWith WA63 
04 Set, trim strip, roofLIGHTNING BLUE LIGHTNING BLUE 1 51 14 2759312
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 lightning-blue metallicWith WA63 
04 Set, trim strip, roofLIGHTNING BLUE LIGHTNING BLUE 1 51 14 2759312
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 white-silver metallicWith WA62 
04 Set, trim strip, roofWHITE SILVER WHITE SILVER 1 51 14 2759313
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 white-silver metallicWith WA62 
04 Set, trim strip, roofWHITE SILVER WHITE SILVER 1 51 14 2759313
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
04 Set, trim strip, roofSPICE ORANGE SPICE ORANGE 1 51 14 2759314
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
04 Set, trim strip, roofREEF BLUE REEF BLUE 1 51 14 7341626
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
04 Set, trim strip, roofSPICE ORANGE SPICE ORANGE 1 51 14 2759314
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
04 Set, trim strip, roofREEF BLUE REEF BLUE 1 51 14 7341626
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
04 Set, trim strip, roofHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353190
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
04 Set, trim strip, roofHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353190
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
04 Set, trim strip, roofHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353190
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
04 Set, trim strip, roofHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353190
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
04 Set, trim strip, roofKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346740
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
04 Set, trim strip, roofKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346740
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
04 Set, trim strip, roofKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346740
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
04 Set, trim strip, roofKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346740
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, redWith S3A8A 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearCHILI RED CHILI RED 1 51 14 2759655
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearPURE SILVER PURE SILVER 1 51 14 2759656
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 british-racing-green metallicWith WB22 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearBRITISH RACING BRITISH RACING 1 51 14 2759527
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 british-racing-green metallicWith WB22 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearBRITISH RACING BRITISH RACING 1 51 14 2759527
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 eclipse-grey metallicWith WB24 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearECLIPSE GREY ECLIPSE GREY 1 51 14 2759528
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 eclipse-grey metallicWith WB24 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearECLIPSE GREY ECLIPSE GREY 1 51 14 2759528
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 midnight-black metallicWith WA94 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearMIDNIGHT BLACK MIDNIGHT BLACK 1 51 14 2759526
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 midnight-black metallicWith WA94 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearMIDNIGHT BLACK MIDNIGHT BLACK 1 51 14 2759526
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 pepper-whiteWith U850 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearPEPPER WHITE PEPPER WHITE 1 51 14 2759524
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 pepper-whiteWith U850 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearPEPPER WHITE PEPPER WHITE 1 51 14 2759524
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 lightning-blue metallicWith WA63 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearLIGHTNING BLUE LIGHTNING BLUE 1 51 14 2759529
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 lightning-blue metallicWith WA63 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearLIGHTNING BLUE LIGHTNING BLUE 1 51 14 2759529
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 white-silver metallicWith WA62 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearWHITE SILVER WHITE SILVER 1 51 14 2759530
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 white-silver metallicWith WA62 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearWHITE SILVER WHITE SILVER 1 51 14 2759530
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearSPICE ORANGE SPICE ORANGE 1 51 14 2759531
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearREEF BLUE REEF BLUE 1 51 14 2759623
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearSPICE ORANGE SPICE ORANGE 1 51 14 2759531
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearREEF BLUE REEF BLUE 1 51 14 2759623
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353192
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353192
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353192
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353192
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346747
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346747
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346747
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
05 Set, trim strip, roof, rearKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346747
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, redWith S3A8A 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerCHILI RED CHILI RED 1 51 14 2759658
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerPURE SILVER PURE SILVER 1 51 14 2759659
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 british-racing-green metallicWith WB22 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerBRITISH RACING BRITISH RACING 1 51 14 2759536
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 british-racing-green metallicWith WB22 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerBRITISH RACING BRITISH RACING 1 51 14 2759536
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 eclipse-grey metallicWith WB24 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerECLIPSE GREY ECLIPSE GREY 1 51 14 2759537
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 eclipse-grey metallicWith WB24 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerECLIPSE GREY ECLIPSE GREY 1 51 14 2759537
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 midnight-black metallicWith WA94 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerMIDNIGHT BLACK MIDNIGHT BLACK 1 51 14 2759535
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 midnight-black metallicWith WA94 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerMIDNIGHT BLACK MIDNIGHT BLACK 1 51 14 2759535
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 pepper-whiteWith U850 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerPEPPER WHITE PEPPER WHITE 1 51 14 2759533
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 pepper-whiteWith U850 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerPEPPER WHITE PEPPER WHITE 1 51 14 2759533
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 lightning-blue metallicWith WA63 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerLIGHTNING BLUE LIGHTNING BLUE 1 51 14 2759538
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 lightning-blue metallicWith WA63 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerLIGHTNING BLUE LIGHTNING BLUE 1 51 14 2759538
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 white-silver metallicWith WA62 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerWHITE SILVER WHITE SILVER 1 51 14 2759539
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 white-silver metallicWith WA62 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerWHITE SILVER WHITE SILVER 1 51 14 2759539
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerSPICE ORANGE SPICE ORANGE 1 51 14 2759540
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerREEF BLUE REEF BLUE 1 51 14 2759624
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerSPICE ORANGE SPICE ORANGE 1 51 14 2759540
 For vehicles with  
 Outs.mirror black/roof vhcle colourNo S381A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 spice-orange metallicWith WB23 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerREEF BLUE REEF BLUE 1 51 14 2759624
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353194
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353194
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353194
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 MINI Yours highclass-greyWith WB43 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerHIGHCLASS GREY HIGHCLASS GREY 1 51 14 7353194
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346748
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackWith S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverNo S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346748
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverNo S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346748
 For vehicles with  
 Roof and mirror caps, blackNo S383A 
 Sport Stripes, blackNo S3A7A 
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
 Roof and mirror caps, silverWith S3AFA 
 kite-blue metallicWith WB48 
06 Set, trim strip, roof spoilerKITE BLUE KITE BLUE 1 51 14 7346748
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, redWith S3A8A 
07 Set, trim strip, tailgateJCW RED JCW RED 1 51 14 2759663
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
07 Set, trim strip, tailgateSILVER SILVER 1 51 14 2759662
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
07 Set, trim strip, tailgateBLACK BLACK 1 51 14 2759661
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, redWith S3A8A 
08 Set, trim strip, tailgate, middleJCW RED JCW RED 1 51 14 2759667
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
08 Set, trim strip, tailgate, middleSILVER SILVER 1 51 14 2759666
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
08 Set, trim strip, tailgate, middleBLACK BLACK 1 51 14 2759665
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, redWith S3A8A 
11 Set, trim strip, tailgate, bottomJCW RED JCW RED 1 51 14 2759683
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, silverWith S3A9A 
11 Set, trim strip, tailgate, bottomSILVER SILVER 1 51 14 2759682
 For vehicles with  
 Sport Stripes, blackWith S3A7A 
11 Set, trim strip, tailgate, bottomBLACK BLACK 1 51 14 2759681
* In the column 'A' indicates the number that is used in the selected vehicle.
To find out where to buy the item or equivalent, click on the part number.